Red Velvet Fudge Milkshakes
Saturday, 24 August 2019
Let’s be real for a second. These were BOMB. Just so freaking delicious I could hardly stand it. However, photographing a frozen beverage was uncharted territory for me, and it was beyond my capacity as any kind of photographer. You see, milkshakes melt. Fast. Also, they really only look delicious for 3 seconds after you pour them in a cup, therefore there was lots of prego running/waddling involved in an attempt to hurry and get the pictures. And lots of dripping of pink and brown and white on counter tops and hands and floors. Also, LOOOTS of tongue biting so as not to use salty language around a tiny toddler. It was hard. I was tired after. It’s a good thing I had two glasses of milkshake laying around after because I NEEDED IT.